Five talented athletes from our program, from the Tonchigüe Parish, have been selected to represent Ecuador in the UIAMA World Kickboxing Tournament in Argentina. Your support will help us meet these goals and continue building a promising future for our youth!
Our goal was $10,000 and we achieved it!
Thanks to all the wonderful people who supported this project.
Tonchigüe Parish, like other areas of Esmeraldas, has faced socioeconomic challenges and lack of opportunities, which has led to vulnerability to the influence of criminal groups. Fundación Raíz Ecuador has worked to change this reality through the Deportes Por La Vida program, offering positive alternatives to hundreds of young people and building safe sports infrastructures. Five of our talented athletes have been selected to represent Ecuador in the UIAMA World Kickboxing Tournament in Argentina.
Participation in this tournament not only seeks sporting success, but also serves as a positive role model for the youth of our community, providing achievable goals and diverting attention from negative influences. This will contribute to social development and general well-being.
We are looking for:
- Achieve outstanding participation in the world tournament.
- Obtain world titles that inspire the community.
- Generate a positive impact on society.
- Integrate new models of success in sports teaching.
- Promote the message that dreams are attainable.
- Expand participation in the Sports for Life program of Fundación Raíz Ecuador.
Drug use became very common in Tonchigue a few years ago. The Parish Council no longer had funds to pay the salary of the coach of the local basketball team, and so we decided to support the team by paying the salary. Children and young people continue training and stay healthy and drug-free.

The practice of basketball also integrates social work, so that children help pick up trash, care for the elderly and receive educational support after training.
CAEMBA recognizes that the disciplined practice of sport in our coastal towns is one of the most effective and wonderful ways to motivate youth to give up drugs, a problem that in recent years has strongly affected the towns of the Ecuadorian coast.
CAEMBA wants to help the Tonchigüe Parish Council, so that the team can grow and expand practices and training to other communities. Presently about 100 kids attend basketball practice every day.